A thorough investigation by this medium revealed that one Khadija Kabia and Ibrahim Kabia where involving in marriage Conflict that Khadija was force by her Father to married a traditional chief that have more than 4 wives this incident took place in portloko District the North West Part of Sierra Leone.
According to our findings, it all started when Khadija was leaving with his Father in a village called Lokomasama when his father forcefully arrange a traditional married after giving her daughter to the secret society members for female genital cutting after her daughter was lucky to come out alive from the traditional cutting his father decided to hand her over to a elderly man who have 4 wives in the village all this was happening without the knowledge of his wife Khadija’s mother.
A close source within the same Village explain to this medium that Khadija stuffed a lot human rights abuse in hands of his father and her forcefully married husband this continue to happen for some time before Khadija finally decided to leave the marriage and run away for her life due to serious abuses and domestics violence she decided to move to the capital city Freetown for refuge where the struggle started going into different life that are not decent even go into prostitution for survival.
Before she finally meat Ibrahim his current husband now who take her to Khadija mother for her handing married but without knowing that Khadija was married she never disclose to his now husband that his father was alive according to Ibrahim’s family members explain to us about the difficulties face by their brother and her wife within the community after the news break out that her wife was married to another man in the village that left many people around dissatisuating them self from both Ibrahim and Kahadija
Due to much of pressure by family and community people Khadija Kabia and his now husband finally moved back to her mother’s village called Gbaneh because of discrimination think they will be safe in that village.
Where things became more of a leaving hell for both of them death treath started coming in and out of the village by Khadija father and his husband the traditional chief she was married to before moving to the city accouding to eye withness explain that some group of young men who were sent by his father came to the village and vandalized some properties the next morning people never set eyes on Khadija and his husband.
This press reliably learnt that the family members have already disowned the escapee both Khadija Kabia and his husband because they considered such practice as ungodly and it is against the doctrine of their religious belief and the constitution of Sierra Leone
It Is important to note that a woman cannot married to two different men is unacceptable in Sierra Leone unlike other Countries which such practice has become predominant. According to the law of Sierra Leone, such practice is a taboo and it is frowned at as ungodly act hence the reason when someone is caught he/she will face the full force of the law.
As we go to press, the whereabouts of Khadija Kabia and Ibrahim Kabia are still unknown, the authority in the village and family members are still looking for them to hand them over to the police.