With Alpha Conteh’s Tokeh Land Saga another case for Lands Minister…

Supreme Court Ruling Exposes Dr. Turad Senessie

Sierra Leone’s Supreme Court recent ruling on landownership has sparked national debate and is now being cited as a critical precedent to be applied to all those who have suffered the same consequences.

This brings to mind a case between Alpha Conteh and the Ministry of Lands over a private property at Tokeh Village.

Alpha Conteh, whose private property at Tokeh Village was unlawfully dispossessed, will likely get his land back if the recent ruling by the Supreme Court of Sierra Leone Judiciary is taken into consideration.

Conteh, who lives in the United States, has suffered corporate bully in the hands of the Lands Minister, Dr. Turad Senessie, who many believe is causing serious embarrassment for the Bio Government. The recent Supreme Court Ruling against the same Lands Minister on issues of private property ownership as per Sierra Leone law, has opened the eyes of many citizens, who now believe they will challenge the ministry on issues of “unlawful and illegal dispossession of private property”. Minister Senessie has been embarking on what he described as “reclamation of state lands,” a strategy being applied to “unlawfully and illegally dispossess private land owners of their rights to private property. This has caused widespread condemnation, with the minister now having numerous cases in court . Alpha Conteh is just one among many victims who have suffered the corporate bully of the Minister.

President Bio should therefore waste no time to fire the Minister, who has brought shame and disgrace to the government for always being accused of stealing private property.

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