NRA Rollsout 21 Measures To Tackle Revenue Leakages

On 3rd March 2025, the National Revenue Authority (NRA) rolled out twenty-one corrective measures aimed at tackling revenue leakages and enhancing the integrity of customs administration, as part of efforts to boost revenue collection for national development and security needs.

One of the key measures targets the forgery of Classification and Valuation Certificates (CVCs) issued by the government-contracted Integrated Trade Service (ITS). Under the new system, NRA Customs Services Department officials now have direct access to the CVCs, ensuring that valuation details remain unaltered before customs processing.

“This measure will significantly reduce the manipulation of valuation documents, which has been a loophole for revenue loss,” NRA stated.

The NRA acknowledged that the reforms might anger individuals or groups who have benefited from malpractice in the past. However, the institution reassured the public that no new taxes have been imposed in the Finance Act 2025.

“The government is confident that revenue collection can be improved by strengthening compliance and eliminating leakages, without increasing tax rates or introducing new taxes,” the statement added.

The public has been urged to support the NRA’s efforts by discouraging under-declaration, misclassification, document forgery, and collusion with NRA staff.

“The NRA is committed to maintaining integrity and remains open to addressing concerns from taxpayers as we fulfill our mandate of revenue mobilization,” the statement concluded.

For further inquiries, the public is advised to contact the NRA Public Affairs and Tax Education Unit at Rensis House, 5 Gloucester Street, Freetown.

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