The Slip of the Tongue: Analyzing the US Ambassador’s Controversial Statement

By Abdul Bero Kamara ( Chief)

The recent radio interview featuring US Ambassador, David Bryant Hunt, has sparked controversy and debate regarding his statement on the feasibility of a rerun. Upon careful examination of the recording, many have concluded that the Ambassador’s words were a mere slip of the tongue.

While some may quick to forgive Ambassador Hunt for his verbal misstep, it is essential to remind him of the significant changes that have occurred in Sierra Leone’s governance since President Bio assumed power in 2018.

Under President Bio’s leadership, there has been a noticeable disregard for established constitutional norms, leading to a sense of unpredictability in the country’s political landscape.

The 1991 constitution, which once served as a cornerstone of governance in Sierra Leone, has been undermined and manipulated by President Bio to suit his agenda.

Instances such as the controversial resignation of the Speaker of Parliament, where constitutional procedures were disregarded, highlight the erosion of constitutional principles under the current administration.

Moreover, the recent election results and the subsequent decision of the APC party not to seek legal redress, underscores the lack of confidence in state institutions, particularly the Judiciary, Police and ECSL. The compromised nature of these institutions raises concerns about the fairness and legitimacy of the electoral process in Sierra Leone.

Ambassador Hunt must recognize that Sierra Leone’s political landscape is far from normal, and the boundaries of constitutional limitations have been blurred by President Bio’s actions.

In the face of overwhelming evidence suggesting the need for a rerun, it is imperative to prioritize the mandate of the majority and ensure the legitimacy of the electoral process.

In conclusion, Ambassador Hunt’s statement serves as a reminder of the delicate balance between diplomacy and frankness in diplomatic discourse. Moving forward, all stakeholders must uphold democratic principles and respect constitutional norms to safeguard the integrity of Sierra Leone’s democratic institutions.

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